Any initial developer desiring a reimbursement for street facility costs in the manner provided by this chapter shall file an application for such reimbursement with the director on or before June 30, 1992 for those street facilities constructed and installed by such developer which were completed and accepted by the city between July 1, 1989 and the effective date of this chapter, or within ninety days following the date of acceptance for those street facilities constructed and installed by the initial developer which are completed and accepted by the city subsequent to the effective date of this chapter. Such application shall be accompanied by an application fee in an amount established by resolution of the city council based on the estimated cost of administering the provisions of this chapter, shall be in a form required by the director and shall contain the following information and/or be accompanied by the following documents:
A. The name, capacity and address of the initial developer;
B. A description of the street facilities for which the initial developer seeks a reimbursement of costs;
C. An itemized statement of the costs incurred by the initial developer in constructing and installing such street facilities prepared by and attested to by a certified public accountant;
D. A legal description and assessor's parcel number for each parcel of real property, other than the developer's property, which adjoins the street facilities and by reason thereof is benefitted by same;
E. An engineered plat which depicts the street facilities and each benefitted parcel;
F. A statement setting forth the total length of the street facilities and the length of each benefitted parcel; and
G. Such additional information and documents as may reasonably be required by the director.
(Ord. 1897 (part), Ord. 2012 §4 (part), Ord. 2064 (part), Ord. 2136 §3, Ord. 2364 §83)