The following street facility costs shall be subject to reimbursement in the manner hereinafter provided by this chapter:
A. The costs incurred by an initial developer who is required to construct and install street facilities subsequent to July 1, 1989, incident to or as a condition of the approval of a subdivision map, parcel map or certificate of compliance for a minor land division, or incident to or as a condition of the issuance of a building permit, save and except for:
1. The cost of constructing and installing street facilities within the boundaries of the parcel being subdivided or improved pursuant to such subdivision map, parcel map, certificate of compliance or building permit;
2. The cost of constructing and installing street facilities within the half-street section of a public right-of-way immediately adjacent to the parcel being subdivided or improved pursuant to such subdivision map, parcel map, certificate of compliance or building permit;
3. The cost of constructing and installing temporary street facilities or the cost of maintenance work performed on existing street facilities; or
4. Any portion of the cost of constructing and installing street facilities in excess of the usual cost of constructing and installing local street facilities, as determined by the city council in the manner provided by this chapter.
B. The cost incurred by the city or the Chico Redevelopment Agency for constructing and installing street facilities which were completed subsequent to July 1, 1989, save and except for:
1. The cost of constructing and installing street facilities which are exempted from the provisions of this chapter by resolution of the city council;
2. The cost of constructing and installing temporary street facilities or the cost of maintenance work performed on existing street facilities; or
3. Any portion of the cost of constructing and installing street facilities in excess of the cost of designing, constructing and installing local street facilities as determined by the city council in the manner provided by this chapter.
(Ord. 1897 (part), Ord. 2064 (part))