3.82.020   Findings.
   The city council finds as follows:
   A.   The city council finds that there remain within the city sewer service area a number of residential and nonresidential premises which are still being served by a private sewer system consisting of a septic tank and leach field rather than being connected to the city sewer system;
   B.   The city council finds that it is in the public interest to facilitate connection of such premises to the city sewer system in that by reason of high nitrate levels in the groundwaters underlying the city and its environs, caused in large part by individual septic tanks and leach fields which now serve a significant number of premises located in that part of the city sewer service area within the incorporated territory of the city as well as a large number of premises located in that part of the city sewer service area within the unincorporated territory of the county of Butte, the Regional Water Quality Control Board for the Central Valley Region has adopted an order which requires discontinuance of the use of such septic tanks and leach fields no later than July 1, 1995;
   C.   The city council finds that one means of facilitating connection of the premises to the city sewer system is to provide the owners of such premises with an alternate means of financing the water pollution control plant capacity fees, trunkline capacity fees, sewer main installation fees, sewer lateral installation fees, and petition filing fees for assessment installments in lieu of payment of the above sewer system connection fees, which ordinarily become due and payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.36 of this code at the time of connection of the premises to the city sewer system;
   D.   The intent of this council in enacting this chapter is to provide such financial assistance by allowing payment of such fees over a ten-year period through the levying of assessment installments in lieu of payment of sewer system connection fees in the manner provided for by this chapter.
(Ord. 1921 (part); Ord. 2404)