Commencing on the date a notice of intention to convert an existing multi-residential building to a condominium project is served on a tenant occupying a dwelling unit in the building being converted as required by the Subdivision Map Act, and at any time thereafter until a tentative map for the conversion, after having been filed is withdrawn, or, following the approval of a tentative map for the conversion, the time for filing a final map or parcel map has expired, the owner of the building being converted shall provide the following relocation assistance to each such tenant electing not to purchase tenant's dwelling unit in the building being converted:
A. Current and continuing information on the location and rent of other rental housing within the Chico urban area comparable to the dwelling unit occupied by the tenant in the multi-residential building being converted to a condominium project;
B. If the tenant is 62 years of age or older, a disabled tenant, or a lower income tenant, transportation, or the reasonable cost of transportation not to exceed 25% of the monthly rent being charged the tenant on the date the notice of intention to convert required by the Subdivision Map Act is served on such tenant, which is necessary to locate comparable replacement housing within the Chico urban area;
C. A sum equal to 100% of the monthly rent being charged the tenant on the date the notice of intention to convert required by the Subdivision Map Act was served on the tenant, payable at the time the tenant vacates tenant's dwelling unit in the multi- residential building being converted to a condominium project, for the cost of transporting such tenant's personal property to replacement housing; or, if the tenant is 62 years of age or older, a, or a lower income tenant, 100% of the reasonable expense, including packing, crating, and unpacking expenses, which will be incurred in transporting such tenant's personal property to replacement housing rented or purchased within the Chico urban area, based on the lowest of three bids obtained by the owner of the building being converted, if such expense is greater than 100% of the monthly rent being charged such tenant.
(Ord. 2591 (part))