3.32.200   License tax - How and when payable.
   Unless otherwise specifically provided, all annual license taxes payable hereunder shall be due and payable in advance on the first day of each license year.
   Except as otherwise herein provided, license taxes, other than annual, required hereunder shall be due and payable as follows:
   A.   Daily flat-rate license taxes are payable each day in advance;
   B.   Other flat-rate license taxes are payable on the first day of business and thereafter on the first day of any applicable period provided for herein.
   All annual licenses issued hereunder shall be effective on a license year basis. Licenses may be issued for a one or two year term.
(Prior code § 13.11 (Ord. 1098, Ord. 2355 §5, Ord. 2395 §1))