3.32.150   Branch establishment.
   A.   Separate licenses must be obtained for each branch, establishment, or separate place of business in which the business is carried on.
   B.   If more than one business activity licensed on an employee tax schedule basis under this law be engaged in by a single business owner at a single location in the city under the same business name, only one license shall be required, and such business owner shall be taxed hereunder on the basis of the tax schedule for the kind or class of business from which the greater portion of the gross revenue of the entire business at such single location is derived.
   C.   If more than one business activity licensed on an employee tax schedule basis under this law shall be engaged in at a single location by different business owners or by a single business owner under different business names, each of such business owners or single business owner doing business under different business names shall be licensed separately on each such business activity or name under the provisions hereof and shall be taxed separately.
(Prior code §13.6 (Ord. 1098))