3.28.080   Delivery to city manager.
   All unclaimed property which is not vested in a finder shall, upon expiration of the time limits for the claiming or vesting of such property, be delivered to the city manager who shall dispose of the same as follows:
   A.   All money shall be deposited in the general fund of the city.
   B.   All unclaimed property shall be sold by the city manager, or a city employee designated by the city manager, or a person hired by the city for the purpose of conducting such sale, at a public auction to the highest bidder. The proceeds of such sale shall be deposited in the general fund.
   C.   All property remaining unsold after the sale may be retained for future sales, disposed of at private sales, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as determined by the city manager in the city manager’s sole discretion.
   D.   All property which the city manager determines is of public use, shall not be sold or disposed of pursuant to these provisions, but shall be delivered by the city manager to the city department, public agency, or private nonprofit corporation seeking to acquire and use such property for such public use.
(Prior code 2.137 (Ord. 1114, Ord. 1813, Ord. l888 §4, Ord. 1914), Ord. 2268)