3.28.010   Definitions.
   The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall be construed as defined in this section unless from the context a different meaning is intended.
   A.   “Quick sale property” is all that property subject to the provisions of Section 2080.5 of the Civil Code of the state of California;
   B.   “Stolen property” means property or money coming into the custody of a city employee while in the course of such employment which has been stolen or embezzled or which is alleged or suspected to have been stolen or embezzled.
   C.   “Unclaimed property” is all of that lost or misplaced money or property which has come into the possession of a city employee while in the course of such employment; and
      1.   Which remains unclaimed by the owner thereof for more than three (3) months after the property came into the possession of the city employee;
      2.   Which remains unclaimed by the owner thereof after the notice and time limits provided in Section 2080.3 of the Civil Code of the state of California, if longer than the time provided in subparagraph 1 herein; and
      3.   The title to which, if the property was not found in the course of employment by an employee of any public agency, is waived by the finder either in writing or by the finder’s failure to appear, pay the costs required, and take possession of the property within five days after notice to do so. Such notice shall be sufficient if deposited in the United States mail addressed to the finder’s address given at the time the property was delivered to the city.
   Unclaimed property does not, however, include “quick sale” property as defined herein.
(Prior code §2.130 (Ord. 1114), Ord. 2268)