3.08.020   Declaration of policy.
   A centralized purchasing system for all departments, boards, commissions, offices, and agencies (all hereinafter referred to in this chapter as “using agencies”) is hereby adopted in order:
   A.   To establish efficient procedures for the purchase of supplies, services and equipment;
   B.   To secure supplies, services, and equipment at the lowest possible cost commensurate with quality needed, unless their acquisition is to be made pursuant to the provisions of a city administrative procedure and policy, approved by the city council, relating to energy conservation, solid waste management, or such other program as may be incorporated within such a policy, in which case the provisions of said policy shall apply;
   C.   To exercise positive financial control over purchases;
   D.   To clearly define authority for the purchasing function; and
   E.   To assure the quality of purchases.
(Prior code §2.90 (Ord. 669 (part), Ord. 1825 §1))