8.08.060   Accumulation on multiple-family residential, commercial and industrial property.
   A.   Garbage, rubbish, and waste matter accumulated on properties used for multiple-family residential, commercial and industrial uses shall be placed in receptacles or stored for collection in the manner provided by this chapter, Chapters 5.16, 8.04 and 8.12.
   B.   All receptacles used for the storage of garbage, rubbish and waste matter accumulated on such property shall be emptied and the contents thereof removed and disposed of when:
      1.   Said contents are within four inches or less from the top of the receptacle; and
      2.   At least once a week.
   C.   Garbage, rubbish and waste matter accumulated on said property may be combined in the same receptacle.
   D.   Garbage, rubbish and waste matter accumulated on such property in large quantities may be stored for collection in covered and watertight metal receptacles in excess of thirty-two-gallon capacity of a type approved by the city, provided, that mechanical means of hoisting and emptying the same are provided by a licensed solid waste collector or by the person operating the uses upon said property.
(Ord. 2499 §2)