A. Applicability. All projects that disturb soil are subject to the construction site storm water runoff control requirements. Projects that disturb one acre or more of soil or disturb less than one acre but are part of a larger common plan or development or sale are subject to the State Water Board’s construction general permit in addition to the construction site storm water runoff control requirements.
B. Construction Plan Review and Approval Procedures.
1. Prior to issuing a grading or building permit, the City of Chico shall require each operator of a construction activity within the city’s jurisdiction to prepare and submit for review and approval an erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP) per the city’s approved ESCP form. The ESCP shall contain appropriate site-specific construction site BMPs that meet the minimum requirements to control storm water pollution due to construction activities. The city holds the right to require additional specific BMPs before approving the ESCP.
a. The storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) developed pursuant to the construction general permit may substitute for the ESCP for projects where a SWPPP is developed. The city holds the right to require additional BMPs before approving the SWPPP.
2. The ESCP shall include the rationale used for selecting BMPs including, if necessary, supporting soil loss calculations. The ESCPs shall contain, as needed, erosion and sediment controls, soil stabilization, dewatering, source controls, and pollution prevention measures per the CASQA Best Management Practices Handbooks or as approved by the city.
3. The ESCP shall list all applicable permits directly associated with any grading activity, including State Water Boards’ construction general permit, State Water Boards’ 401 water quality certification, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1600 streambed alteration agreement. The responsible party shall submit evidence to the City of Chico that all permits directly associated with the grading activity have been obtained prior to commencing the soil disturbing activities authorized by the grading permit.
4. Construction sites are subject to Section 15.50.040 Prohibited activities.
C. Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement.
1. The city has the legal authority to inspect public and private construction projects and conduct enforcement as necessary.
(Ord. 2468 §4)