12R.10.110   Park use fees.
   A.   Fee Requirements. As a condition precedent to the issuance of a director or commission permit, the permittee shall pay to the city park use fees in an amount established by the park commission and approved by resolution of the city council.
   B.   Waiver of Fees. Fees may be waived by the park commission or director for commission permits and director permits, respectively, in the following circumstances:
      1.   When the permittee is a public agency and the event is being conducted by such public agency in furtherance of its powers and purposes.
      2.   When the permittee is a non-profit organization which is conducting an event primarily for the purpose of raising funds for the benefit of city park facilities.
      3.   When the application is filed for a public event in which the dominant purpose of the event is the exercise of free speech rights and the applicant establishes that he or she does not have the financial resources to pay such fee by filing with the director financial statements demonstrating such inability to pay, and by filing with the director a declaration executed by or on behalf of applicant under penalty of perjury attesting to such inability to pay.
(Res. No. 47-20 §2 (part))