12R.10.030   Findings.
   The park commission finds as follows:
   A.   That the reservation of facilities within the city park facilities for the exclusive use of a private or public event, by an individual, persons, groups, or organizations is appropriate and should be permitted in those situations where the exclusive use of the reserved facilities would not unreasonably interfere with the right of the general public to the use and enjoyment of the city park facilities;
   B.   That in establishing procedures to be followed by a private or public event by an individual, persons, groups, or organizations seeking to reserve city park facilities for their exclusive use, it would be proper to delegate to the director authority to approve such reservations in those cases in which the facilities to be reserved are within that portion of the city park facilities previously determined by the commission to be particularly suitable for such use, and where the reserved facilities are to be used for a period of time not exceeding 15 consecutive hours in length, all in the manner hereinafter provided by this chapter;
   C.   That in establishing the procedures to be followed by an individual, persons, groups, or organizations seeking to reserve city park facilities for their exclusive use, it would also be proper for the commission to retain the exclusive right to approve such reservations in those cases in which the facilities to be reserved are not located within that portion of the city parks previously determined by the commission to be particularly suitable for such use and/or where the reserved facilities will be used for a period of time which does exceed 15 consecutive hours in length, provided that the commission also finds, in each such case, that reservation of such facilities is in the public interest and will not unreasonably interfere with the general public's use and enjoyment of the city park facilities;
   D.   That in regulating the use of the city park facilities for events, recognition must also be given to the fact that certain park facilities or portions of such park facilities, such as portions of Bidwell Park and city creekside greenways, have historically been used as open space, dedicated to passive recreational uses requiring peace, quiet and tranquility, or dedicated to recreational uses which may be incompatible with the conduct of certain events, and that by reason thereof, the conduct of events in city park facilities or portions of such park facilities, described in this chapter as "non-intensive use areas," can best be regulated by providing for the issuance of discretionary permits authorizing such events by the park commission in those cases in which the commission finds that approval of the event is in the public interest and will not unreasonably interfere with the use of such non-intensive use areas of the city park facilities by other members of the general public not participating in the event, also in the manner hereinafter provided by this chapter.
(Res. No. 47-20 §2 (part))