A. All vehicles operating on movement areas or safety areas shall have prior permission of the control tower and shall be equipped or escorted by a vehicle equipped with a functioning two-way radio. If not so equipped, such vehicles or escort vehicle shall have an operating overhead rotating beacon or flag.
B. Drivers of vehicles must request and secure permission from the control tower to enter the movement or safety areas, and must, while in these areas, maintain a continuous listening watch on the radio equipment which shall be operated on the appropriate frequency. All transmissions made on this frequency shall be directed solely to the control tower. Except when conditions make it imperative to do so, drivers shall not conduct inter-truck communications.
C. In the event of radio failure after the vehicle has been cleared to an operating area, the movement of the vehicle shall be controlled by a portable traffic control light or “light- gun,” a directive spotlight which can be illuminated in red, white or green as desired. The following signals can be anticipated and shall be adhered to:
Color and Type of Signal Procedure
Steady green Cleared to proceed
Steady red Stop
Flashing red Clear all movement areas
Alternating red and green Extreme caution required.
Await next signal.
Flashing white Return to starting point.
D. All vehicles operating on movement or safety areas during the hours that the control tower is not in operation shall do so with extreme care and caution, with due regard for aircraft movements and in accordance with all applicable laws.
(Res. No. 149 75-76 (part))