19.80.060   Establishment of TND designations.
   The following designations are established to apply to property zoned TND. These designations are applied to property through the approval of a regulating plan and a circulating plan in compliance with Chapter 19.82.
   A.   Neighborhood Edge (NE). The NE designation is intended primarily for lower density residential development with single-family dwellings, but may also include multi-family dwelling building types such as duplexes, bungalow courts, and courtyard housing, that have a scale and character compatible with single-family dwellings. Building heights may be a maximum of two stories.
   B.   Neighborhood General (NG). The NG designation is intended to provide a wide variety of housing types and densities and limited neighborhood-serving commercial activities. Building heights may be a maximum of three stories.
   C.   Neighborhood Center (NC). The NC designation is intended to provide for civic and public assembly uses, small-scale commercial and mixed-use buildings, together with courtyard housing and other residential buildings at higher densities than in the NG subzone. This designation is intended to accommodate a variety of activities and services within easy walking distance from homes, including daily convenience shopping and personal service needs, and to provide opportunities for public gathering. Building heights may be a maximum of three stories.
   D.   CORE. The CORE designation is intended for the most urban conditions within the TND zone. It is intended to accommodate a mixture of land uses emphasizing ground-floor retail with offices and residential above and to provide for lodging, restaurant, entertainment, and civic uses. Street frontages are pedestrian-oriented, and defined by building facades at the back of the sidewalk, with off-street parking provided in structures or located away from street frontages, behind buildings and includes on-street parking as a component of the total parking program. Buildings may be a maximum of four stories.
   E.   Special District (SD). The SD designation is intended to create areas within a TND zone that are intended for limited types of development and land uses, with less mixing of land use types than in areas assigned the other designations. Allowed building types, frontage types, and land uses are determined through approval of the regulating plan assigning the SD designation to particular property. Maximum building heights shall also be determined through approval of the regulating plan but shall not exceed a maximum of three stories.
(Ord. 2358 §22)