19.80.040   TND Zone siting requirements.
   An amendment to the zoning map which zones property TND may only be approved if the following findings, in addition to those required by section 19.06.050, are made:
   A.   The site is designated on the General Plan Diagram as Special Mixed Use;
   B.   The site to be zoned TND is either:
      1.   Twenty acres or more in size; or
      2.   Less than 20 acres in size but the application of the TND zoning district will help ensure that the site will be developed in a manner which provides: 1) compatible infill development in terms of mass, scale, building orientations, and street designs, in relation to the existing neighborhood; and 2) a mix of housing types and residential and non-residential uses within the TND site itself or within the TND site and surrounding area.
(Ord. 2358 §22)