19.80.010   Purpose of the TND zone.
   The Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) zone is designed to implement the General Plan by providing areas that will encourage the positive design features of traditional neighborhoods. The purposes of the TND zone are to:
   A.   Create compact neighborhoods with one or more defined neighborhood centers (or adjacent to an existing center), where the distance between the outer boundary of a neighborhood center and the outer boundary of the neighborhood edge can be walked within about five minutes or is a quarter mile.
   B.   Encourage a mixture of residential and non-residential land uses, within a proximity that encourages walking between them.
   C.   Promote a mixture of housing types, including single-family dwellings, townhouses, courtyard housing, and other multi-dwelling housing types that can accommodate a variety of household sizes, incomes and stages in life.
   D.   Establish an interconnected street network that assists in avoiding traffic congestion by providing a variety of convenient routes for pedestrians and vehicles.
   E.   Create a pedestrian friendly environment by providing streetscapes with design components including street and sidewalk widths, building designs and locations, street trees, and other features that shape the public space of the street in an attractive manner.
   F.   Create public plaza, park and open space areas to provide opportunities for public gathering, recreation, and access to the natural environment.
(Ord. 2358 §22)