19.78.140   Relocation of towers from residential zones.
   A.    Application for replacement facilities. The purpose of this section is to encourage the removal of towers from residential zones through the relocation of such facilities to zones in which they are permitted. In order to encourage such removal, the following shall apply to all applications for new facilities which will replace such towers.
      1.   The use permit or wireless telecommunications facilities permit application fee for the new facility shall be waived.
      2.   The application shall state the location of the tower in a residential zone will be replaced by the new facility.
      3.   The following application materials shall not be required:
         A.   An alternative site analysis;
         B.   A statement of how the proposed relocation satisfies the locational preferences of this chapter;
         C.   The geographic service area map otherwise required by 19.78.070.B.5;
         D.   Noise and acoustical information otherwise required by 19.78.070.B.7, above, if the same type of equipment that is being used at the tower to be removed will be used at the site of the new facility;
         E.   The radio frequency engineer’s report otherwise required by 19.78.070.B.9, if such a report has already been submitted to the City in relation to the tower which is being removed from the residential zone and the same or equivalent equipment will be installed at the new site.
   B.   Removal of tower from residential zone. All use permits and telecommunications facilities permits granted as a result of an application submitted pursuant to this section shall be conditioned upon the removal of the tower which is being replaced within three months of the completion of the construction of the new facility.
(Ord. 2205)