A. Public works director responsibilities can be divided between two directors at any given time. One director will have jurisdiction over Operations and Maintenance divisions and the second director will have jurisdiction over Development and Engineering divisions. Each director will coordinate and work in conjunction to achieve the overall goals and objectives of the department. In the event that one of the directors is absent or a vacancy exists, the remaining director shall assume all responsibilities for all divisions within the public works department.
B. The public works directors shall be responsible for the direction and the control of all functions and duties assigned to the department. The directors shall:
1. Manage the functions and duties assigned to the department by section 2.30.020 and any other provisions of this code;
2. Manage and recommend changes to the capital improvement program to reflect changes in project costs and council priorities and coordinate implementation of the program with implementation of the city’s general plan.
3. Attend all meetings of the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission or delegate that duty to department personnel with the appropriate level of training and experience.
4. As needed, attend meetings of the planning commission, or delegate those duties to department personnel with the appropriate level of training and experience.
5. As needed, attend meetings of the council;
6. Recommend revisions to the rules, regulations, or operations of the city concerning the department’s functions and duties; and
7. Perform such other duties, not inconsistent with the city charter or this code, as the city manager may direct.
(Ord. 2439 §1, Ord. 2470 §4)