2.12.010   Powers and duties generally.
   A.   As chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the city government, the city manager, in addition to the duties and authority as set forth in the city charter, is empowered to establish from time to time such administrative organization and to make such rules and regulations (not inconsistent with either the city charter or this code) as deemed necessary in the discharge of the responsibilities of administering the city and the function, conduct, and operation of the several offices, departments, commissions, and boards of the city.
   B.   The city manager shall be a deputy city clerk and act as city clerk when the city clerk is temporarily absent from office due to illness, vacation, or other cause with full power and authority to perform all of the duties of the city clerk as prescribed by law.
   C.   Whenever the city manager is empowered, by ordinance or resolution, or by this code, to perform some act, including, but not limited to, actions relating to purchasing and personnel, the city manager may delegate the authority to perform such act to a designated city officer or employee. Actions of such persons done pursuant to and within the scope of such delegated authority shall be performed on behalf of and shall be deemed to be the performance of the city manager.
(Prior code § 2.2 (Ord. 669, Ord. 719, Ord. 1144 §1), Ord. 2268)