19.64.030   Disclosure.
   A.   Disclosure by Subdivider. The subdivider of any property located within 1,000 feet of land zoned for agricultural use shall disclose, through a notation on the final map of the subdivision, within conditions, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs), if prepared, and through the recordation of a separate acknowledgment statement, the presence of agricultural and appurtenant uses in the proximity through the following or similar statement:
      "The property within this subdivision is located within 1,000 feet of land utilized or zoned for agricultural operations and occupants of the property may be subject to inconvenience or discomfort arising from use of agricultural chemicals, including but not limited to acaricides, fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, predacides, and rodenticides, and from pursuit of agricultural operations, including but not limited to crop protection, cultivation, harvesting, plowing, processing, pruning, shipping, and spraying, which may generate dust, light, noise, odor, smoke, and traffic. The City has adopted policies to encourage and preserve agricultural lands and operations in the vicinity of the City. Occupants of property within this subdivision should be prepared to accept inconveniences or discomfort as normal and necessary to agricultural operations."
   B.   Disclosure Prior to Issuance of Building Permits. Where a new structure intended for human occupancy is to be located on property which is located within 1,000 feet of land zoned for agricultural use, each owner of the property shall, prior to issuance of a building permit, be required to sign and record a statement in a form similar to that specified in Subsection A (Disclosure by Subdivider), above. In lieu of signing the statement required above, each owner may submit evidence that the statement in Subsection A, above, has been made a part of subdivision documents creating the parcel on which the structure is to be located.
(Ord. 2185.)