2.08.020   Establishment of council rules of procedure, committees, and fees.
   Subject to the provisions of the City Charter, the council may determine, as it may deem necessary, the following by resolution:
   A.   Its own rules;
   B.   Its own order of business;
   C.   Its own standing and other committees;
   D.   Fees for the rendering of services by itself and its various commissions, departments, and offices and for the use of its property and in doing so it may establish and publish a schedule thereof; and
   E.   A fee for the calling and holding of special meetings of itself and its commissions where such special meetings are called at the specific request of any person other than a councilmember, commissioner, officer or employee of the city acting in his or her capacity as such, for a private purpose. The council may require all or a portion of said fee deposited in advance prior to the call for such special meeting. The resolution may provide for prorating of such fee where more than one matter is heard at such special meeting.
(Ord. 1751 §2 (part), Ord. 2268)