19.62.040   Determination of housing density bonus or incentives.
   A.   Density bonus. A density bonus for a housing development means a density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the applicable zoning and land use designation on the date the application is deemed complete. The amount of the allowable density bonus shall be calculated as set forth in the California Government Code Section 65915. The applicant may select from only one of the income categories identified in state density bonus law and may not combine density bonuses from different income categories to achieve a larger density bonus.
   B.   Incentives. An incentive includes a reduction in site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements or architectural requirements that result in identifiable. financially sufficient, and actual cost reductions. An incentive may be the approval of mixed use zoning (e.g., commercial) in conjunction with a housing project if the mixed use will reduce the cost of the housing development and is compatible with the housing project. An incentive may, but need not be, the provision of a direct financial incentive, such as the waiver of fees. The number of incentives granted shall be based upon the number the applicant is entitled to pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915.
   C.   Waivers. A waiver is a modification to a development standard such that construction at the increased density would be physically possible. Modifications to floor area ratio in an amount equivalent to the percentage density bonus utilized shall be allowable as a waiver. Requests for an increase in floor area ratio above that equivalent percentage shall be considered a request for an incentive. Other development standards include, but are not limited to, a height limitation, a setback requirement, an on-site open space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development. An applicant may request a waiver of any development standard to make the project physically possible to construct at the increased density. To be entitled to the requested waiver, the applicant must show that without the waiver, the project would be physically impossible to construct. There is no limit on the number of waivers.
   D.   Determination by council. In the sole discretion of the city council, the city council may approve a density bonus and/or incentive(s) in accordance with state density bonus law for a project that does not maximize the underlying base zoning density. Additionally, nothing herein prevents the city from granting a greater density bonus and additional incentives or waivers than that provided for herein, or from providing a lesser density bonus and fewer incentives and waivers than that provided for herein, when the housing development does not meet the minimum thresholds, as long as it adheres to state law.
      (1)   An applicant shall be ineligible for a density bonus or any other incentives or waivers under this chapter if the housing development displaces qualifying rental dwelling units, unless the development replaces those units in accordance with state law.
      (2)   A requested incentive may be denied only for those reasons provided in state density bonus law. Denial of an incentive is a separate and distinct act from a decision to deny or approve the entirety of the project.
      (3)   The granting of a density bonus or incentive(s) shall not be interpreted in and of itself to require a general plan amendment, zoning change or other discretionary approval. If an incentive would otherwise trigger one of these approvals, when it is granted as an incentive, no general plan amendment, zoning change or other discretionary approval is required. However, if the base project without the incentive requires a general plan amendment, zoning change or other discretionary approval, the city retains discretion to make or not make the required findings for approval of the base project.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2519 §25, Ord. 2600)