This chapter provides regulations applicable to development and new land uses in the commercial zoning districts established by Section 19.40.010. The purposes of the individual commercial zoning districts and the manner in which they are applied are as follows.
A. OR (Office Residential) District. The OR zoning district is applied to areas of existing and future office and residential development. The district permits office/residential mixed-use development in areas where retail and other community commercial uses are not appropriate. The density range for residential development within the OR district is 6 to a maximum of 20 dwelling units per acre. The OR zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Office Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan.
B. OC (Office Commercial) District. The OC zoning district is applied to areas appropriate for administrative, financial, business, professional, medical, and public offices, together with supporting commercial uses. The density range for residential development within the OC district is 6 to a maximum of 20 dwelling units per acre. The OC zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Office Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan.
C. CN (Neighborhood Commercial) District. The CN zoning district is applied to areas appropriate for retail sales, businesses, institutions, and services serving the daily needs of nearby residents. This district may also permit mixed-use developments with residential uses above the ground floor. Vertical or horizontal mixed use is required on sites of two acres or greater. The density range for residential development within the CN district is 6 to a maximum of 22 dwelling units per acre. The CN zoning district is primarily intended to implement Neighborhood Commercial land use designation of the General Plan.
D. CC (Community Commercial) District. The CC zoning district is applied to areas appropriate for a wide range of retail businesses. This district also accommodates mixed-use developments with residential uses above the ground floor. The residential density range for mixed use development in the CC zoning district is 6 to a maximum of 22 units per acre. The CC zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Commercial Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan.
E. DN (Downtown North) District. The DN zoning district is applied to the central downtown area north of 6th Street. Appropriate uses include a wide range of retail, personal service, educational, cultural, and recreational uses, with office and residential uses above the ground floor. The density range for residential development within the DN district is 6 to 22 units per acre. The DN zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Commercial Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan. The DN zoning district permits development of retail or other uses that contribute to increased pedestrian activity on the ground-floor and requires use permit approval for other ground- floor uses.
F. DS (Downtown South) District. The DS zoning district is applied to the central Downtown area south of 6th Street. Appropriate uses may include a wide range of retail with limited commercial service and auto-oriented uses. Residential uses above the ground floor are allowed at a density range of 6 to a maximum of 22 units per acre. The DS zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Commercial Mixed Use land use designation of the General Plan.
G. CS (Commercial Services) District. The CS zoning district is applied to areas appropriate for commercial businesses not allowed in other commercial areas because they attract high volumes of vehicle traffic or may have adverse impacts on other surrounding uses. The CS zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Commercial Services land use designation of the General Plan.
H. CR (Regional Commercial) District. The CR zoning district is applied to sites appropriate for larger retail and service businesses that serve residents from the City and the region. Mixed-use projects integrating office or residential uses are allowed. The density range for residential development within the CR district is 6 to a maximum of 50 units per acre. The CR zoning district is primarily intended to implement the Regional Commercial land use designation of the General Plan.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2223, 2427 §16, 2440 §25)