19.18.060   Findings for projects excluding infill residential development.
   The ARHPB or Director, where authorized, shall determine whether or not a non- residential project, or residential project that does not qualify as an infill development project, adequately meets adopted City standards and design guidelines, based upon the following findings:
   A.   The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, and any applicable neighborhood or area plans;
   B.   The proposed development, including the character, scale, and quality of design, are consistent with the purpose/intent of this chapter and the City’s adopted design guidelines and development standards;
   C.   The architectural design of structures, including all elevations, materials and colors are visually compatible with surrounding development. Design elements, including screening of equipment, exterior lighting, signs, and awnings, have been incorporated into the project to further ensure its compatibility with the character and uses of adjacent development;
   D.   The location and configuration of structures are compatible with their sites and with surrounding sites and structures and do not unnecessarily block views from other structures or dominate their surroundings; and
   E.   The general landscape design, including the color, location, size, texture, type, and coverage of plant materials, and provisions for irrigation, maintenance, and protection of landscape elements, have been considered to ensure visual relief, to complement structures, and to provide an attractive environment.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2410 §15)(Ord. 2435 §17, Ord. 2494, §6; Ord. 2600)