1.40.590   Certification of a Final EIR.
   A.   Basis for Certification. The City Council or other decision-making body shall certify the final EIR prior to project approval only if it finds:
      1.   The final EIR has been presented to, reviewed, and considered by the decision- making body; and
      2.   The decision-making body, exercising its independent judgment, has evaluated the adequacy of the documents; and
      3.   Based on the final EIR and other information contained in the administrative record, the final EIR has been prepared, circulated for public review, and completed in compliance with CEQA.
   B.   Adoption of Environmental Documents and Project Approval.
      1.   Recommending bodies for projects may also make a recommendation as to certification of the final EIR. Recommending bodies may also recommend additional mitigation measures, as deemed appropriate to off-set environmental impacts.
      2.   No project for which an EIR has been prepared shall be approved prior to certification of the final EIR.
(Ord. 2067)