19.16.040   Application fees.
   A.   Filing Fees Required. The Council shall, by resolution, establish a schedule of fees for entitlements, amendments, and other matters pertaining to these Regulations. The schedule of fees may be changed or modified only by resolution of the Council. The City's processing fees are cumulative. For example, if an application for a lot line adjustment also requires a variance, both fees will be charged. Projects may also be subject to an hourly rate in addition to the basic application fees. Processing shall not commence on any application until all required fees or deposits have been paid. Without the application fee, or a deposit if appropriate, the application will not be deemed complete.
   B.   Refunds and Withdrawals. Recognizing that filing fees are utilized to cover costs of public hearings, mailing, posting, transcripts, and staff time involved in processing applications, no refunds due to a denial are allowed. In the case of an application withdrawal, the Director may authorize a partial refund based upon the prorated costs-to-date and determination of the status of the application at the time of withdrawal.
(Ord. 2185)