1.40.580   Preparation of a Final EIR.
   A.   Contents.
      1.   Response to Comments. The director shall evaluate and prepare comments received during any public hearings for the project, as well as for all written comments received prior to the close of the review period, in an expeditious manner.
      2.   Other Elements. The final EIR shall contain all the elements required pursuant to the State Guidelines in a form determined by the director.
   B.   Distribution and Notification.
      1.   Public Agencies. A copy of the final EIR shall be provided to all commenting governmental agencies and departments at least 10 days prior to certification of the final EIR.
      2.   Other Commenting Entities. All other individuals or parties commenting on the draft EIR or requesting such notice shall be notified that responses to their comments are available for review at City offices and other locations as may be established by the director.
   C.   Final Environmental Impact Report Review. A minimum10-day period shall be provided for review of the final EIR after the receipt of comments on the draft EIR and completion of responses thereto before any action is taken to certify the final EIR.
(Ord. 2067, Ord. 2268, Ord. 2364 §50)