1.40.540   Administrative Draft EIR.
   A.   Distribution to City Departments. Prior to circulation of a draft EIR, an administrative draft EIR (ADEIR) shall be distributed to appropriate City departments for review and comment.
   B.   Other Distribution. At the discretion of the director, copies of the ADEIR may be distributed for review by:
      1.   Other responsible or trustee agencies;
      2.   The project applicant. Project applicant review shall be limited to review for factual accuracy of the project, environmental settings or technical studies provided by the applicant for peer review.
   C.   Adequacy of the ADEIR. The director, in consultation with responsible City departments, shall determine the adequacy of the ADEIR for public review. The document must reflect the independent judgement of the City and contain all requirements specified by the State Guidelines in order to be determined adequate. At such time as the ADEIR is found to be adequate, the document shall be distributed as the draft EIR.
(Ord. 2067, Ord. 2364 §47)