1.40.430   Notification and Review.
   A public notice of availability shall be provided for the draft negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration, as follows:
   A.   Content of Notice. The notice shall contain the information specified in the State Guidelines in a form determined by the director. The notice of availability may be combined with the notice of public hearing for the project if a hearing on the project is required.
   B.   Distribution.
      1.   A notice of availability shall be sent to:
         a.   All parties receiving notification of the project for which the negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration was prepared.
         b.   The Butte County Clerk.
         c.   Parties who have requested such notice.
         d.   Interested Parties. Notification of interested parties is directory, not mandatory.
         e.   Decision-making body.
         f.   Recommending body or bodies.
         g.   Responsible City departments.
         h.   Responsible and trustee agencies having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by the project.
         i.   The State Clearinghouse only if: (i) a state agency is a responsible or trustee agency, or (ii) the project is of statewide, regional, or areawide significance as identified in the State Guidelines.
      2.   Additionally, notice shall be given by at least one of the following procedures:
         a.   Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation within the City; or
         b.   Posting of the notice by the public agency on- and off-site in the area where the project is to be located; or
         c.   Direct mailing to the owners and occupants of contiguous property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll.
      3.   Additional notification requirements apply to projects involving the burning of municipal wastes, hazardous wastes, and refuse derived fuels pursuant to CEQA.
      4.   A copy of the draft negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration shall be sent with the notice of availability to other governmental agencies and departments who are trustees or responsible agencies.
   C.   Period of Review.
      1.   The noticed public review period shall be not less than twenty (20) days when no state or federal agency is a responsible or trustee agency for the project.
      2.   The noticed public review period shall be not less than thirty (30) days when a state or federal agency is a responsible or trustee agency for the project.
      3.   A shorter review period may be established by approval of the State Clearinghouse pursuant to the provisions of the State Guidelines.
      4.   A longer review period may be established if determined necessary or appropriate by the director to ensure an adequate period of time for review by the public and governmental departments and agencies. The review period shall not exceed forty-five (45) days.
(Ord. 2067, Ord. 2364 §40)