1.40.220   Categorical Exemptions.
   A.   Types of Categorical Exemptions. In addition to those projects set forth as categorically exempt by the State Guidelines, the following city permits, approvals, entitlements, and actions, all of which fall within “classes” of exemptions created by the State Resources Agency, typically have no significant effect on the environment and therefore shall be presumed to be categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA, excluding those exceptions set forth in Subsection B.
      1.   Class One: Existing Facilities.
         a.   Repair or replacement of existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, bicycle lanes and similar facilities.
         b.   Repair or replacement of existing sewer, water, or drainage pipes.
         c.   Consistency zoning for existing facilities.
      2.   Class Three: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
         a.   Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions of reasonable length to serve such construction.
         b.   Minor storm drainage projects in urbanized areas and not involving the construction of new storm drain outfall structures or main lines or service to previously unsewered areas.
         c.   Conversion of existing structures to a use of less intensity in terms of land use compatibility, traffic and parking and public services.
      3.   Class Four: Minor Alterations to Land.
         a.   Installation of landscaping.
         b.   Minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored.
         c.   Creation of bicycle lanes within existing rights-of-way.
         d.   Encroachment permits, where no disruption of existing uses will occur.
      4.   Class Five: Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations.
         a.   Minor lot line adjustments.
         b.   Setback variances.
         c.   Minor amendments to site plans which conform substantially to the approved site plan.
         d.   Permits authorizing public events conducted in City parks and playgrounds when issued by the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission.
         e.   Fire permits authorizing fires or flames, or equipment utilizing fires or flames.
         f.   Minor temporary use permits such as those issued for carnivals and the sale of Christmas trees.
         g.   Architectural review by staff or the City's Architectural Review Board.
   B.   Exceptions to Categorical Exemptions. A project that is ordinarily insignificant in its impact on the environment, and identified categorically exempt projects, may under certain circumstances be significant. All exemptions of these classes are inapplicable when the project may have an impact upon environmental resources or when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type, in the same place, over time is significant.
(Ord. 2067)