Where meeting the energy conservation standards set forth in this section are feasible and subject to the applicable cost limitations as determined pursuant to section 16.60.110 below, no person shall sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer residential housing subject to this chapter unless and until the building official has certified that such housing is in compliance with the following energy conservation standards:
A. Insulation. The ceilings of all inhabitable portions of such residential housing shall be overlaid with insulation which has a minimum thermal resistance rating of R-30 except where the attic of a building has a headroom of less than 30 inches at the attic peak.
B. Additional energy conservation measures.
1. All major cracks, joints, and other openings in building exteriors or portions of a building exposed to unheated or uncontrolled areas, and all openings from heated or air conditioned spaces into an attic or under floors including, but not limited to, openings around doors, windows, plumbing vents, pipes, electrical wiring, or furnace flues, shall be caulked, weather stripped, or otherwise sealed to limit air infiltration.
2. All sink and lavatory faucets shall be fitted with low-flow faucets with a maximum flow rate of 2.75 gallons per minute or an aerator.
3. All shower fixtures shall be fitted with in-line shower restrictors or low flow shower heads which restrict the maximum flow of water to not more than three gallons per minute except:
a. Where the shower head has an existing flow rate of less than three gallons per minute as a result of reduced water pressure behind the shower head; or
b. Where the shower head and shower arm are of a ball joint type which is connected within a wall.
4. All toilets shall be low-flow toilets rated at 1.6 gallons per flush or less.
5. Thermostats shall be programmable.
6. All exposed cold water lines connected to and within five feet of existing water heaters, and all hot water lines from water heaters in unconditioned spaces, shall be insulated at a minimum thermal resistance rating of R-3.
7. All electric resistance domestic water heaters, and all natural gas or other fossil fueled domestic water heaters, shall be fitted with external insulation blankets with a minimum thermal resistance rating of R-6 except:
a. Where the thermal resistance rating of insulation within the water heater is at least R-12; or
b. Where it is impractical to wrap the water heater with an external insulating blanket by reason of the fact that the distance between the heater and an adjoining wall is less than two inches; or
c. Where the manufacturer's instructions for the water heater would preclude the water heater from being fitted with an external insulation blanket.
8. All ducts in accessible areas shall be visually inspected to determine if they are intact and functioning properly.
(Ord 1843 §1 (part), Ord 1870, Ord. 2415 §2)