1.40.050   Administration.
   A.   Director. Except as otherwise indicated herein, the director shall administer this chapter. The director's duties include but are not limited to:
      1.   Determining whether a project is exempt from environmental review;
      2.   Conducting an initial study;
      3.   Determining whether a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration must be prepared;
      4.   Preparing or causing preparation of a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration;
      5.   Determining whether a draft environmental impact report (EIR), subsequent EIR, supplemental EIR, addendum to an EIR, or other environmental document must be prepared;
      6.   Preparing or causing preparation of an EIR, subsequent EIR, supplemental EIR, addendum to an EIR, or other environmental document;
      7.   Filing notices required or authorized by CEQA, the State Guidelines, or this chapter;
      8.   Consulting with and obtaining comments on environmental documents from city departments, other public agencies and the public;
      9.   Developing procedures for monitoring and enforcing mitigation measures;
      10.   Selecting qualified third-party consultants to perform environmental work;
   B.   Decision-Making Body. Adoption of a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration, certification of an EIR, or approval of any other environmental document prepared pursuant to this chapter, shall be the responsibility of the decision-making body responsible for final action on the project for which the document was prepared.
(Ord. 2067, Ord. 2312 §9, Ord 2364 §25)