16.32.040   Order revoking a permit.
   A.   Issuance of Order. Whenever the building official determines that a grading permit was issued based on a permit application, grading plans and specifications, a soils engineering report, an engineering geology report or other data and information that contain any material misrepresentation of fact, or that such permit appears to authorize grading that violates the grading regulations, the building official may order revocation of such permit. In addition to setting forth the order of the building official revoking such permit, the order shall contain a brief description of the reasons why the permit is being revoked and the action, if any, which must be taken to allow the permit to be reissued; a statement of the right of a person aggrieved by the order to apply for administrative review of the order and to appeal the order in the manner provided for by Chapter 16.22; and a statement that unless and until such permit is reissued, further work on the grading for which such permit was issued may subject each person causing or doing the work to the misdemeanor penalties provided in Section 16.32.070. The order may require that grading work or fencing be done as necessary to leave the site in a reasonably safe condition as to areas disturbed by the grading work and any fill material onsite or imported for the work.
   B.   Service of Order. Upon issuing an order revoking a grading permit, the building official shall cause the order to be served personally or by mail on the permittee and the owner of the property, if other than the permittee.
   C.   Effect of Order. When a grading permit has been revoked, no person shall cause or allow any grading to be commenced, continued or resumed in reliance on the permit, unless and until the permit has been reissued. When a grading permit is revoked, the permit shall not be reissued unless an additional grading plan check fee, or grading permit fee, or both, has been paid.
(Ord. 2312 §27)