1.40.040   Definitions.
   A.   Definitions Adopted by Reference. Those definitions set forth in Article 20 (commencing with section 15350) of the State Guidelines are incorporated herein by reference.
   B.   Supplemental Definitions.
      1.   “Administrative decision” means a final action by the community development director or other authorized city staff member on the environmental review of a proposed project or modification of an approved project, or enforcement of any mitigation measure or monitoring requirement imposed as a condition of approval or included within a mitigation monitoring program for an approved project. Decisions which require final action by a decision-making body are not administrative decisions for the purposes of this chapter.
      2.   “Aggrieved person” means a person aggrieved by any decision-making body of the city regarding the administration of this chapter.
      3.   “Applicant” means a person, agency, organization or other entity that has submitted an application form and an environmental questionnaire to the city or other local, state or federal agency seeking approval of one or more entitlements from these governmental agencies.
      4.   “Days” means calendar days unless otherwise indicated.
      5.   “Decision-making body” means either a city officer or employee or a body such as the city council, planning commission, park and playground commission, airport commission, architectural review board or other body responsible for a final determination to approve, conditionally approve or disapprove a project.
      6.   “Department” means the community development department.
      7.   “Director” means the community development director or designee.
      8.   “Draft negative declaration” means a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration prepared for but not yet adopted by the appropriate decision-making body.
      9.   “Environmental document” means an environmental impact report or negative declaration of any kind authorized or required to be prepared under CEQA or this chapter and any other study of actual or potential environmental impacts or conditions that is authorized or required to be prepared pursuant to this chapter.
      10.   “Private project” means the whole of an action which has a potential for resulting in a physical impact on the environment, directly or ultimately, that is any of the following:
         a.   An activity undertaken by a private person or by a non-governmental entity supported in whole or in part through public agency contracts, grants, subsidies, loans or other forms of assistance from one or more public agencies;
         b.   An activity involving the issuance of a discretionary or quasi-judicial permit or entitlement to a private person or non-governmental entity;
         c.   An application by a private person or a non-governmental entity proposing enactment or amendment of zoning or subdivision regulations, amendment of the general plan or elements thereof, enactment or amendment of a specific plan, rezoning, or other legislative acts involving the use or regulation of real property; or
         d.   A violation of any condition of approval or mitigation measure applicable to any subdivision or any permit or other entitlement the city approved for or issued to a private person or non-governmental entity, regardless of whether the condition is imposed by law, or as a mitigation measure, or as a component of a mitigation monitoring program.
      11.   “Public project” means a project that is directly undertaken by:
         a.   A city department or agency and is subject to environmental review under CEQA; or
         b.   Another public agency and that requires discretionary action by a city decision-making body, a mutual agreement with the city, or issuance of a permit or other entitlement by the city to that agency.
      12.   Provided,” for purposes of notification, means either directly delivered to the noticed party or placed in a mail receptacle.
      13.   “Recommending body” means the city board, commission or other body that has the responsibility to recommend approval, conditional approval or disapproval of a project to the decision-making body which will take final action on the project.
      14.   “Responsible city department”means the city department which has the primary responsibility for administering a project.
      15.   “State Guidelines” means the guidelines for implementation of CEQA published by the California Secretary of Resources in Title 14 (commencing with Section 15000) of the California Code of Regulations.
      16.   “Third-party contract” means a written agreement or agreements between the city and qualified consultants selected by the city to perform services in conjunction with a written agreement by the project applicant to reimburse the costs of those services to the city.
(Ord. 2067, Ord. 2268, Ord. 2312 §8, Ord. 2364 §24, Ord. 2439 §16)