16.06.100   Alternative materials and methods of construction.
   A.   The standards adopted by this chapter are not intended to prevent the use of any material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of construction in any building or structure, building service equipment, or sign other than those specifically prescribed by such standards, and the building official may approve any alternative material or method of construction in a building or structure, building service equipment, or sign upon finding that: (1) the design of the building or structure, building service equipment, or sign complies with the standards adopted by this chapter; and (2) the alternative material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of construction to be used in the building or structure, building service equipment, or sign is at least equivalent to that required by the standards adopted by this title in suitability, strength, effectiveness, fire resistivity, durability, safety, and sanitation. However, the building official shall not approve the use of an alternative material, appliance, installation, device, Chico Municipal Code arrangement, or method of construction which will affect the fire resistivity of such building or structure, building service equipment, or sign without having first consulted with the fire marshal about such alternative material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of construction and considered the fire marshal’s recommendations thereon.
   B.   The details of any action or approval of an alternative material or method of construction approved by the building official for any building or structure, building service equipment, or sign shall be recorded and entered in the files of the building division relating to such building or structure, building service equipment, or sign.
(Ord. 1646 §3 (part), Ord. 1752 §1 (part), Ord. 2268)