15.36.280   Disconnection.
   A.   Upon violation of any of the provisions of this chapter by any owner or occupant of premises connected to the sewer system, including the refusal to pay any sewer service fee, water pollution control plant capacity fee, trunkline capacity fee, sewer main installation fee, or any other fee assessed and levied pursuant to the provisions of this chapter more than 30 days after such fee becomes delinquent, the director may disconnect such premises from the sewer system.
   B.   Except in the case of a violation which causes a public hazard which can be eliminated or reduced by disconnecting the premises from the sewer system, the director, before disconnecting premises from the sewer system as provided for by this section, shall give notice to all occupants of the premises to be disconnected of the city's proposed action, which notice shall set forth:
      1.   The violation or violations upon which the director bases the proposed action;
      2.   The action which must be taken by the occupants of the premises to abate the violation or violations;
      3.   The date the premises will be disconnected from the sewer system, which shall not be less than ten days following the date of presentation of the notice.
   C.   Premises disconnected from the sewer system as provided for by this section shall not be reconnected to the sewer system until:
      1.   The director finds that the reconnection of the premises to the sewer system and discharge of waste from the premises to the sewer system would not result in a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter; and
      2.   All sewer service fees, water pollution control plant capacity fees, trunkline capacity fees, sewer main installation fees, or any other fees assessed and levied upon the owners or occupants of the premises as hereinbefore provided for by this chapter have been paid in full; and
      3.   The actual cost incurred by the city in disconnecting the premises from the sewer system has been paid in full; and
      4.   The actual cost to be incurred by the city in reconnecting the premises has been paid in full.
   D.   Premises disconnected from the sewer system as provided for by this section are hereby declared a public nuisance and the city attorney is authorized to commence and prosecute an action to abate such nuisance and enjoin occupancy of the premises until they are reconnected to the sewer system.
(Ord. 1735 §l (part), Ord. 2130 §, Ord. 2364 §282)