A permit authorizing the initial connection of premises located in the incorporated territory of the city to the sewer system shall be issued by the director if, following the filing of an application for such permit in the manner hereinafter provided by this chapter, the director determines that all of the following conditions have been met:
A. The type and density of any proposed development on the premises are consistent with the Chico General Plan;
B. All water pollution control plant capacity fees, trunkline capacity fees, lift station capacity fees, sewer main installation fees, and sewer lateral installation fees assessed and levied pursuant to the provisions of this chapter have been paid or payment of such fees deferred in the manner provided by this chapter; and
C. All non-residential users have completed and returned a wastewater survey as supplied by the city and paid any and all applicable fees related to the industrial wastewater pretreatment and permitting program; and
D. Plans and specifications for any sewer main extension required by the provisions of this chapter have been submitted to and approved by the director.
(Ord. 1735 §1 (part), Ord. 1943 §15, Ord. 1971 §5, Ord. 2092 §17, Ord. 2130 §2, Ord. 2364 §275)