In determining the lift station capacity fee assessed and levied upon the owner of residential and nonresidential premises initially connecting such premises to the sewer system, the director shall deduct from such lift station capacity fee each of the credits hereinafter provided for by this section.
A. Credits Applicable to Premises Owned by the Person who Constructed and Installed a lift station. Where the premises are or were owned by the person who constructed and installed the lift station or who caused the construction and installation of the lift station for which the fee is being assessed, and where the person constructing and installing such lift station or causing construction and installation of such lift station specifically identified such premises as one of the lots and parcels to be served by the lift station at the time construction and installation of the lift station was commenced, the director shall credit the owner of such premises with an amount equal to the current lift station fee for the particular use of the premises which was contemplated at the time construction and installation of the lift station was commenced. Provided, that where such premises are subsequently subdivided, such credit shall be allocated by the director in an appropriate manner among all of the resulting lots and parcels created by such subdivision.
B. Credit for Prior Assessment Made as Part of Sewer Assessment Proceedings. Where the premises are or were located in an assessment district formed for a purpose which included the construction of lift station facilities, the director shall credit the owner of such premises with the current lift station capacity fee for the particular use of the premises which was contemplated at the time the assessment district was formed, all as set forth in the engineer's report prepared as part of the assessment district proceedings. Provided, that where premises located in a sewer assessment district are subsequently subdivided, such credits shall be allocated by the director among all of the resulting lots and parcels created by such subdivision according to benefit in the same manner as an unpaid assessment would be segregated and apportioned according to benefit pursuant to the provisions of Section 8730, et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code.
C. Credit for Prior Payments of Lift Station Capacity Fees. Where a lift station capacity fee was previously paid for the premises pursuant to the provisions of this article, the director shall credit the owner of such premises with one of the following amounts:
1. If the prior payment of the lift station capacity fee was predicated on the residential use of the premises, the director shall credit the owner of such premises with an amount equal to the current lift station capacity fee for each dwelling unit for which such fee was previously paid.
2. If the prior payment of the lift station capacity fee was predicated on a nonresidential use of the premises, the director shall credit the owner of such premises with an amount equal to the current lift station capacity fee for each acre or portion of an acre for which such fee was previously paid.
(Ord. 2092 §15, Ord. 2364 §265)