15.36.075   Refunds.
   Where the owner of nonresidential premises has paid a sewer service fee based on an estimate of the wastewater discharged from the premises as determined in accordance with Section 15.36.060 and the director finds that the average monthly volume of water supplied to the premises for the preceding twelve-month period from July 1st through June 30th is at least ten percent less than the average monthly volume of water supplied to the premises during the preceding months of December, January, February, and March, the finance director shall refund the difference between the fee paid for the twelve month period and the fee which would have been charged based on the lower water usage. Such a refund shall be made only upon application by the occupant of the premises who paid the fees and submittal of adequate documentation of the lower water usage.
(Ord. 1735 §1 (part), Ord. 2113 §1, Ord. 2356 §2, Ord. 2423 §6)