A monthly sewer service fee is hereby assessed and levied upon the owner of premises served by the sewer system. Such sewer service fee shall be based on a pro rata share of the cost of operating, maintaining, replacing, and improving sewer system facilities, as determined by the director in the manner hereinafter provided by this chapter, and shall be in addition to any water pollution control plant capacity fee, trunkline capacity fee, lift station capacity fee, sewer main installation fee, or sewer lateral installation fee assessed and levied pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Sewer service fees shall be charged to all properties with lateral connections to the City sewer system regardless of whether the property is occupied or unoccupied.
(Ord. 1735 §1 (part), Ord. 2049 §7, Ord. 2092 §9, Ord. 2423 §1, Ord. 2599 § 1)