The city council may, by written agreement, authorize another public agency owning a sewerage collection system within the unincorporated territory of the county of Butte to connect such sewerage collection system to the water pollution control plant owned and operated by the city where:
A. The area served by the sewerage collection system is located entirely within the Chico Sphere of Influence as approved by the Butte County Local Agency Formation Commission; and
B. The agreement with the public agency owning the sewerage collection system includes the following provisions:
1. A provision which requires the sewerage collection system to be connected to the headworks of the water pollution control plant at the sole cost and expense of the public agency operating the sewerage collection system and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the director,
2. A provision which sets forth the means for funding any expansion of the water pollution control plant facilities required to treat all of the wastewaters to be discharged to the water pollution control plant through the sewerage collection system and, where necessary, coordinates the commencement of any such wastewater discharge with the completion of such expanded facilities,
3. A provision which requires all connections to the sewerage collection system, all sewer laterals and sewer main extensions installed incident to a connection to the sewerage collection system, and all discharges of wastewaters to the sewerage collection system to comply with the requirements of this chapter,
4. A provision which authorizes the city to maintain the sewerage collection system and monitor all wastewaters discharged thereto.
(Ord. 1735 §1 (part), Ord. 1971 §3, Ord. 2364 §251)