15.36.025   Premises entitled to receive city sewer service.
   The following premises located within the Chico Sphere of Influence, as designated by the Butte County Local Agency Formation Commission, shall be entitled to receive city sewer service upon issuance of a connection permit, payment of all fees, and subject to all other conditions and requirements hereinafter provided for by this chapter:
   A.   All premises located in that part of the Chico Sphere of Influence within the incorporated territory of the City.
   B.   The following premises in that part of the Chico Sphere of Influence within the unincorporated territory of the county of Butte:
      1.   Nonresidential premises developed or being developed with buildings or structures devoted to an industrial use;
      2.   Residential or nonresidential premises owned by a nonprofit corporation and developed or being developed with buildings or structures utilized or to be utilized by such nonprofit corporation in the provision of social services benefitting persons residing within the incorporated territory of the City of Chico.
      3.   Residential or nonresidential premises served by a failing septic tank; and
      4.   Residential or nonresidential premises subject to a sewer service and annexation agreement executed prior to December 17, 1993, in which the city undertook to provide sewer service to such premises, residential or nonresidential premises which are within a county subdivision for which the city issued a commitment to provide sewer service prior to December 17, 1993, and residential or nonresidential premises authorized to connect to sewer services pursuant to a connection permit issued prior to September 14, 1995.
(Ord. 1735 §1 (part), Ord. 1971 §2, Ord. 2068 §1)