15.36.003   Purpose.
   This chapter is enacted pursuant to the municipal affairs provisions of Section 201 of the City Charter for the purpose of establishing the terms and conditions under which sewer service will be provided to premises located within the city and that part of the unincorporated portion of the Chico urban area included within the city's sewer service area as designated in the manner hereinafter provided for herein including, but not limited to, establishing the amount of the sewer service fees, water pollution control plant capacity fees, trunkline capacity fees, lift station capacity fees, sewer main installation fees, and sewer lateral installation fees to be assessed and levied upon an owner of premises utilizing such sewer service in order to fund the cost of constructing, installing, operating, and maintaining the facilities necessary to provide the services.
(Ord. 1865 §1, Ord. 2049 §1, Ord. 2092 §2)