A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every room that contains a fuel-burning heating unit or fuel- burning water heater, regardless of occupancy.
It is unlawful to disable or make inoperable any fire protection or life-safety system.
1. Fire protection and life-safety systems and devices in occupied buildings may be disabled for the purpose of testing or maintenance if written notice is provided to all occupants in advance. Written notice must be provided to the fire code official if a required system or device will be disabled for more than 24 hours.
2. Fire protection systems in unoccupied and vacant buildings may be disabled where approved by the fire code official.
Means of egress in existing buildings must comply with the minimum egress requirements where specified in Table 14X-5-501.2 as further enumerated in Sections 14X-5-505.2 through 14X-5-505.16.