A fire alarm system must be provided throughout existing buildings containing a Group R-1 occupancy.
1. In existing structures of Type I construction, no fire alarm system is required in buildings with not more than four stories above grade plane.
2. In existing structures of Type II, III, IV, or V construction, no fire alarm system is required if not more than 25 persons sleep above the second floor.
Voice communication systems must be installed in existing high-rise buildings in accordance with Sections 14X-5-504.7.1 through 14X-5-504.7.2. The two-way communication system may be combined with the one-way system where approved by the fire code official.
1. Buildings of Group R-2 occupancy equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
2. Buildings of Group E or I occupancy equipped with a fire alarm system as required by Section 504.6.
A selective one-way voice communication system must allow communication from the fire command center to the following areas:
1. Elevators.
2. Elevator lobbies.
3. Exit stairways, with at least one speaker on every fifth floor.
4. Office areas exceeding 5,000 square feet (465 m2).
5. In corridors at intervals not to exceed 75 feet (22.9 m).
6. At doors to exit stairway enclosures.
Exception: Buildings of Group R-2 occupancy with an occupant notification system installed prior to January 1, 2005 that was accepted by the fire code official.