Carbon monoxide alarms must be provided in dwelling units and sleeping units, at locations specified in Section 915.2 of the Chicago Building Code, where:
1. The unit contains a fuel-burning appliance.
2. The unit contains a fuel-burning fireplace.
3. The unit is served by a fuel-burning forced-air heating or cooling system.
4. The unit is located in a building that contains a fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplace and there are openings or ductwork connecting the unit to the space containing the fuel-burning device.
5. The unit has a door leading directly to a private garage.
6. The unit is immediately above a private garage.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be provided in classrooms, at locations specified in Section 915.2 of the Chicago Building Code, where:
1. The classroom contains a fuel-burning appliance.
2. The classroom contains a fuel-burning fireplace.
3. The classroom is served by a fuel-burning forced-air heating or cooling system.
4. The classroom is located in a building that contains a fuel-burning appliance or fuel- burning fireplace and there are openings or ductwork connecting the classroom to the space containing the fuel-burning device.
5. The classroom has a door leading directly to a private garage.
6. The classroom is immediately above a private garage.