Every existing building of Type III, IV, or V construction and with two or more stories above grade plane which contains a fire area of Group I-1, condition 2, or Group I-2 occupancy used as a hospital, psychiatric hospital, assisted living facility, or foster care facility must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
Every existing building containing a Group I-2 nursing home must be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
An automatic sprinkler system must be provided throughout existing buildings where cellulose nitrate film or pyroxylin plastics are manufactured, stored, or handled in quantities exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg). Vaults located within buildings for the storage of raw pyroxylin must be protected with an automatic sprinkler system capable of discharging 1.66 gallons per minute per square foot (68 L/min/m2) over the area of the vault.
An automatic sprinkler system must be provided throughout high-rise buildings.
1. Parking facilities complying with Section 406 of the Chicago Building Code.
2. Open-air portions of a Group A-5 occupancy.
3. A building of Group R-2 occupancy, together with any accessory occupancies complying with Section 508.2 of the Chicago Building Code and any attached parking garage that is used exclusively by the building’s non-transient residential occupants and their guests or by persons who, pursuant to a written lease agreement, rent a parking space in time increments of at least one month.
4. The following portions of a mixed-occupancy building where separated from other occupancies by construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours:
4.1. Any portion classified as Group R-2 occupancy.
4.2. Any accessory occupancy connected to the Group R-2 occupancy and complying with Section 508.2 of the Chicago Building Code.
4.3. A parking garage that is used exclusively by the building’s non-transient residential occupants and their guests or by persons who, pursuant to a written lease agreement, rent a parking space in time increments of at least one month.
4.4. In buildings of Type I construction, non-residential occupancies located not more than 80 feet (24.4 m) above grade that are separated in accordance with Section 508.4 of the Chicago Building Code and that cumulatively do not exceed 10% of the floor area of the Group R-2 occupancy in the building.
5. A Chicago Landmark, unless the building is required to be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system by another provision of the Municipal Code.
6. A building color-coded red or orange in the Chicago Historic Resources Survey, published in 1996, unless the building is required to be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system by another provision of the Municipal Code.
An automatic sprinkler system, installed in accordance with Section 903 of the Chicago Building Code, or an alternative automatic fire-extinguishing system, installed in accordance with Section 904 of the Chicago Building Code, must be provided in existing structures in accordance with Sections 14X-5-504.3.1 through 14X-5-504.3.3.