Provisions of NFPA 70 which are incorporated into this title by reference may be cited as follows:
14E-[NFPA 70 chapter number]-[NFPA 70 section number].
Provided that Article 90 of NFPA 70 shall be deemed to be part of Chapter 1, and the informative annexes shall be deemed to be part of a new Chapter 10.
Citations within this title and within the provisions of NFPA 70 which are incorporated into this title by reference shall be read to incorporate "14E-[chapter number]-" as a prefatory part of the citation.
The provisions of Article 90 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Delete subsection 90.1(C) and the subsequent informational note.
2. Revise subsection 90.2(B)(4) to read:
"Installations of communications equipment under the exclusive control of communications utilities located outdoors or in building spaces used exclusively for such installations, where such installations are under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission or other State or Federal regulatory body"
3. Revise subsection 90.2(B)(5) to read:
"Installations under the exclusive control of an electric utility where such installations:
a. Consist of service drops or service laterals, and associated metering, or
b. Are located in legally established easements or rights-of-way designated by or recognized by public service commissions, utility commissions, or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction for such installations, or
c. Are on property owned or leased by the electric utility for the purpose of communications, metering, generation, control, transformation, transmission, energy storage or distribution of electric energy."
4. Revise subsection 90.2(C) to read:
"Special Permission. The authority having jurisdiction for enforcing this Code may grant exception for the installation of conductors and equipment that are not under the exclusive control of the electric utilities and are used to connect the electric utility supply system to the service conductors of the premises served, provided such installations are outside a building or structure, or terminate immediately inside a building wall. Such special permission shall in all cases be obtained from the authority having jurisdiction in writing prior to the commencement of the installation."
5. Revise section 90.4 to read:
"Enforcement. The authority having jurisdiction for enforcement of the Code has the responsibility for making interpretations of the Code, for deciding on the approval of equipment and materials, and for granting the special permission contemplated in specific provisions of the Code.
By special permission, the authority having jurisdiction may waive specific requirements in this Code or permit alternative methods where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety. In all cases, special permission shall be in accordance with Chapter 14A-10 of the Municipal Code. The authority having jurisdiction may not waive or alter the requirements of 300.22(C)."
6. Revise section 90.6 to read:
"Formal Interpretations. To promote uniformity of interpretation and application of the provisions of this Code, the authority having jurisdiction may issue formal interpretations in accordance with Chapter 14A-10 of the Municipal Code."
(Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. VI, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. III, § 1)
The provisions of Article 100 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise the definition of "Approved" to read:
"Acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. No equipment, device or appliance covered by the provisions of this Code shall be approved unless it has been tested by and bears the label of an approved testing laboratory. Any testing laboratory currently recognized as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) by the United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) is approved. Self-certification of equipment or installations shall not be acceptable."
2. Revise the definition of "Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)" to read:
"The commissioner of buildings."
3. Insert the following language after the definition of "Building":
"Building, High Rise. A building more than 24.4 m (80 ft) above grade."
4. Insert the following language after the definition of "Electrical Circuit Protective System":
"Electrical Contractor. A person registered pursuant to Chapter 4-290."
5. Insert the following language after the definition of "Handhole Enclosure":
"Hard Surface Ceiling. A ceiling with a finished surface of plaster, drywall, or similar material, specifically excluding acoustical tile or similar types of ceilings."
6. Revise the definition of "In Sight From (Within Sight From, Within Sight)" to read:
"Where this Code specifies that one equipment shall be "in sight from," "within sight from," or "within sight of," and so forth, another equipment, the specified equipment is to be visible and not more than 15 m (50 ft) distant from the other and as close as practicable to the other."
7. Revise the definition of "Qualified Person" to read:
"One who is or is under the direct supervision of a supervising electrician, has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved."
8. Insert the following language after the definition of "Show Window":
"Sign. A name, identification, description, display, illustration or character which is affixed to or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or piece of land and which directs attention to an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization or business. Furthermore for purposes of Title 14E, signs shall also include anything meeting the definition of "sign" in Section 17-17-02159."
9. Insert the following language after the definition of "Structure":
"Supervising Electrician. A person registered pursuant to Chapter 4-292."
The provisions of Article 110 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise section 110.1 by deleting the informational note.
2. Insert new subsection 110.12(C) to read:
"Abandoned Electrical Equipment. All accessible (as applied to wiring methods) abandoned raceways, cables, conductors, boxes, and electrical equipment shall be removed."
2.1. Insert new subsection 110.12(D) to read:
"Additional Load. The addition of any load to an existing installation, other than a load for which the existing installation was originally approved, shall require the installer to modify the existing installation to meet all requirements applicable to the modified installation. In all cases, the installer of any load, generating device, or energy storage system shall be responsible for the adequacy of the service after the new load, generating device, or energy storage system has been installed."
3. Insert new subsection 110.26(G) to read:
"Dedicated Electrical Closets. In high rise buildings, where transformers or distribution points are established throughout the various floors or areas of the building, all such electrical equipment shall be grouped and installed in electrical closets.
Such electrical closets shall be for the exclusive use of the electrical system and shall be constructed as to provide the required working space around all of the electrical equipment installed therein. Such electrical closets shall have a minimum fire rating of two hours.
Where busways serve such electrical closets, the busway shall only pass through areas meeting the same fire rating, exclusive use, and fire protection requirements as the electrical closet. Busways located in areas with sprinkler protection shall be of the weatherproof or raintight type.
In other than high rise buildings, electrical closets, where provided, shall have a minimum fire rating of one hour.
In all buildings, electrical vaults shall comply with 110.31."
(Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 15; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. III, § 2)