It is unlawful, after the revocation of a permit, to proceed with building or wrecking operations until the permit is reinstated or reissued by the building official. Any amount paid to the City in connection with the permit application or permit is nonrefundable. Except where this Code provides such payments are forfeited, the full amount paid to the City in connection with a revoked permit must be credited toward any amount due for reissuance of the permit within one year of revocation.
Before a permit that has been revoked may be lawfully reinstated or reissued, the building official must be satisfied that work performed under the reinstated or reissued permit will fully comply with the Chicago Construction Codes. As preconditions to reinstatement or reissuance of a permit that has been revoked, the building official may require the person seeking the reinstated or reissued permit to:
1. Provide a condition report in accordance with Section 14X-1-104.
2. Hire different or additional trade license holders to perform the work.
3. Deconstruct or remove some or all of the work performed or material applied in violation of the Chicago Construction Codes.
4. Remove building materials and equipment that do not comply with the Chicago Construction Codes from the work site.
(Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3)
If the work authorized by a permit is not started within 180 days after issuance of the permit, the permit is suspended, and work may not proceed unless the permit is reinstated. For permits other than the stand-alone permits provided for in Section 14A-4-412.1, if none of the inspections required by Section 14A-5-502 are requested within 180 days after issuance of the permit, the permit is suspended, and work may not proceed unless the permit is reinstated. If the work authorized by a permit ceases for a consecutive period of 365 days after the start of construction or there is a period of 365 days without an inspection being requested, the permit is suspended, and work may not proceed unless the permit is reinstated. The building official must collect a fee as provided in Table 14A-12-1204.1 before reinstating a suspended permit.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. I, § 17; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. I, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. III, § 3)
For each permit, the building official may grant up to two extensions of time or reinstatements, for periods of 180 days each, prior to the start of construction activities, and up to four extensions of time or reinstatements, for periods of 180 days each, after the start of construction activities, provided that the cumulative duration of extensions of time and reinstatements for the same permit or group of related permits may not exceed 720 days. The building official must collect a fee as provided in Table 14A-12-1204.1 before granting an extension of time or reinstatement.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. I, § 18)
If the work authorized by a permit is not started within 540 days after issuance of the permit, the permit expires by operation of law and may not be reinstated. If the work authorized by a permit ceases for a consecutive period of 730 days, the permit expires by operation of law and may not be reinstated. A failure to request inspection as required by Chapter 14A-5 shall create a rebuttable presumption that work has not started or has ceased.